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Welcome to SHP

Since 1972, the Schools History Project has been supporting teachers and working to improve history teaching, we hope this website provokes thought, inspiration and enthusiasm for the teaching of history.

Dan Lyndon-Cohen, SHP Director

What’s New

Director’s Blog September 2024

It’s hard to believe that it was only a year ago that I sat down to write my first Director’s blog. Last year was so exhilarating that it feels like we packed in a lifetime’s worth of fun in those 12 months. Time really does fly whe...

Director’s Blog – SHP Summer Conference 2024

Wow. That pretty much sums up this year’s SHP summer conference. On paper it looked like an exciting programme, but the reality was so, so much better than I could even have imagined. Although the conference didn’t officially start until Saturd...

Spotlight: How equal has Britain become since 1945?

Today’s featured Unit Path comes from Becky Carter, whose thematic unit explores equality in Britain post-1945. Becky’s unit links very clearly with Curriculum PATHS Ethical Principle #1 in that it was inspired directly by pupils’ d...


Places Still Available for SHP Summer Conference 2024

There are still places available for the SHP Summer Conference this June. The line up of speakers this year is looking fantastic, so whether you are looking for some inspiration, some guidance, or just a chance to talk to other history teachers, you&...

Summer Conference 2024 Booking Now

Schools History Project Summer Conference June 29-30 2024 at Leeds Trinity University We are really looking forward to being back in Leeds for our annual summer conference and hope that many of you will be able to join us. Here is the overview of the...

Plenary from SHP Summer Conference 2021

In anticipation of this year’s summer conference we wanted to share the absolutely fantastic plenary from last year’s virtual event by the brilliant Jason Todd: “Silences, Traces and Voices: Conversations and Journeys Through Race&#...